My friend Sarah Barr makes art. Last year she started selling it at local craft markets and community events and got a great response from people who wanted to buy it and commission her to make more. Almost everyone she met at these events asked her if she had a website…

I set about making a simple website for her to showcase photos of her work, and serve as a point of contact with potential new customers. The site is basic but allows her to update it herself without any fuss. Now when she gives out business cards with the website address, customers can see a survey of her work, get news of any events she is attending and contact her to purchase pictures. In future we hope to build an online shop, but so far we have attracted the attention of some local decorative art shops and held a small exhibition in the window of the local off licence (a popular art outlet in the neighbourhood!)

Since Sarah’s work has been on display in Boxwood, a local art and gift shop, she’s sold several pictures and received enquiries about other pieces. I’ve followed this up with a Facebook page for Sarah’s work that we can both manage, as Sarah’s time is better used on her work (and her kids!).

Contact me to discuss your website and social media needs – even if you feel overwhelmed I can help!